Cutie Fights: What Is Really Happening
Adventuring is one of the key activities for a healthy and happy Cutie.
But there are also some hidden aspects we didn’t cover. Those are special attacks and some of the more complicated combos.
With all the updates to the items market and the future update of the fighting process, we decided to release some in-depth knowledge on battles, so you guys can plan the strategic builds of your armies.
Special attacks

Special attacks and scenarios include:
Attack phase:
- Lucky strike — Cutie rolls successful luck check, ignores the opponent’s defense and deals damage.
- Miss — Cutie rolls D1 on its attack and deals no damage
- Critical hit — Cutie rolls D20 on its attack and deals extra damage, but the opponent’s defense is taken into account
Defense phase:
- Evasion success — Cutie rolls successful evasion check and doesn’t get any damage from the opponent’s attack
- Guard down — Cutie rolls D1 on its defense and does not block the opponent’s damage
- Resist — Cutie rolls D20 on its defense and blocks the extra amount of the opponent’s damage
Special attack combos

Now that we got the definitions out of the way, let’s see how these will work in combos.
Critical hit and resist — An attacker gets extra damage while the opponent has extra blocking ability. The result is the difference between the two.
Lucky strike and evasion — The Cutie that evaded the attack gets no damage.
Critical hit and evasion — The Cutie that evaded the attack gets no damage.
Lucky strike and resist — The attacker ignores the base part of the opponent’s defense, but the opponent keeps the extra defense it got from the resist throw and weakens the attacker’s damage.
Lucky strike with a miss — The attacker deals no damage.
Miss and guard down— The attacker deals no damage.
Lucky strike with critical hit — The attacker ignores the opponent’s defense and deals extra damage.
Lucky strike with critical hit and resist — The attacker ignores the opponent’s base defense and deals extra damage, but the opponent keeps the extra defense it got from the resist throw and weakens the attacker’s damage.
Lucky strike with critical hit and evasion — The Cutie that evaded the attack gets no damage.
Lucky strike with critical hit and resist with evasion — The Cutie that evaded the attack gets no damage.
We hope that helps you plan your gear for future battles.
Good luck, Cutieneers!