It’s the last day of the crazy summer of 2020. And we are already getting ready to make the next season of 2020 the most exciting Cutieland has ever seen.
We are proud to announce that Season IV is coming this fall!

How Season IV will be different from other seasons?
If you’ve been around for some time, you know, that each time a new season rolls around, we are adding more rewards, more things to do, and more ways to play.
Season IV will not be an exception. Just by the sheer amount of season gear our artists created, it tops any past event we had. But even more exciting are the gameplay updates that will come with the season.
Season IV will also be the most PVP focused season ever.

While previous seasons focused on the common effort uniting all players, Season IV will be all about fierce competition.
Season IV Theme
Season IV is all about fights, heroes, and tournaments.
Cuties will show their little claws like never before.

Special adventure and other activities will make Cuties face each other in battle.
We learned a lot during previous events, and now we are applying all the feedback to this new season. Apart from making everything you’ve already seen better, we will add several completely new ideas and game mechanics to the event.
Season IV will be a challenge that will need a lot of involvement if you want to take the upper hand. And it will be super fun.

We can’t wait to share all the details with you guys!
Stay tuned to learn more about Season IV!