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Guess the New Blockchain and Get a Gift

We are preparing for the biggest event of the summer.

We are launching Blockchain Cuties Universe on a new blockchain, making it the only game in the world to run on five chains simultaneously.

And before we break the big news, it’s time to have some fun.

We know that the members of the Cutieneer community are very savvy about what’s happening in the world of blockchain.

So here’s a challenge for you.

Try to guess which blockchain we chose for our next launch.

Here are a few hints:

The concept:

The latest news:

We will be sending a small gift to everyone who gets it right.

How to join the game

Reply to this tweet with your best guess.

Your Tweet should include:

  1. Your best guess about the next blockchain (you can post up to three versions)
  2. Link to your Blockchain Cuties player profile, so we know where to send the prize

So if your reply looks something like this:

You are in!

Game results

After that, we will ❤ all the right guesses and send a small gift to all players who got it right.

Make sure to join the game here:

Good luck, Cutieneers!

Stay tuned for the big news and the even bigger launch party coming this summer.

Keep rocking, keep exploring and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

Click here to start playing!

and here — on Ⓜ️ Medium for more updates.

关键词: Blockchain
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