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Easter Wallpaper: How It Looks and Where To Get It

Hi, Cutieneers!

Even though, this year, most of us experience spring from inside our homes, we hope that sunshine and warmth still bring a smile to your face.

Spring is slowly taking over Cutieland too.

In Season III, Cuties get to feel the joy of this lovely time of the year to the fullest.

You can bring a full-on spring miracle to a Cutie of your choice using buildable Easter wallpaper.

Easter wallpaper

Where do I get the Easter wallpaper?

Easter wallpaper is one of the prizes you can get for sending your troops against Old Man Winter.

If your Cuties collectively deal more damage than most of the raid participants, you will get Easter wallpaper as a raid reward.

Easter wallpaper is also one of the rewards you get on the premium leveling track.

The first piece will be yours once you reach level 26 in Season III.

How does Easter wallpaper work?

Once you apply Easter wallpaper on your favorite noble Cutie, its background will turn into spring fairytale.

And every time you repeatedly apply it, the background adds more colorful springtime details.

Here is a background after two applications:




And here’s the final ultimate spring background you will get if you apply Easter wallpaper to one Cutie six times:

Six is the maximum amount of times you can use Easter wallpaper on a Cutie.

Please note that if you apply another type of wallpaper on top of the Easter wallpaper, all stacked patterns will be erased and replaced with the regular wallpaper pattern.

We can’t wait to see your Cuties surrounded by sunshine and blossom!

Good luck, Cutieneers!

Keep rocking, keep exploring and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

Click here to start playing!

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关键词: Blockchain
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