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Blockchain Cuties Launched on NEOLine Mobile App

NEO is Blockchain Cuties’ newest blockchain that has been steadily developing in the game ever since its launch. As of now, we have almost five thousand Cuties living and thriving on NEO.

Blockchain Cuties is the third biggest game on NEO blockchain according to dappradar.com.

As the game became more and more popular we wanted to take extra steps to make the NEO experience even better.

And we are super thrilled to reach a new milestone in this direction.

Now NEO’s side of Blockchain Cuties Universe is available on NEOLine mobile app!

Thanks to NEOLine you can now play Blockchain Cuties on NEO both on iOS and Android.

Get NeoLine here.

NEOLine is a safe and convenient multi-wallet digital asset management platform that is easy and convenient to use. NEOLine allows you to store all your assets on NEO, provides convenient GAS extraction, has more friendly transfer functions, and clearly displays exchange rate conversion. Check it out here.

How to play Blockchain Cuties on NEOLine?

  1. Download the app here.
  2. Navigate to blockchaincuties.com via dapp browser.
  3. Log in using the option “Software wallet”.
  4. You are all set! Start playing.

NEOLine will give you a full Blockchain Cuties experience wherever you might be.

Being there for Cutieneers on all platforms has always been one of our priorities.

We hope you will enjoy playing Blockchain Cuties Universe on NEOLine.

See you in Cutieland!

Keep rocking, keep exploring and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

Click here to start playing!

and here — on Ⓜ️ Medium for more updates.

关键词: Blockchain
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