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Item Recycling and Enchanting: Look and Feel Sneak Peeks


The forge aka recycling update is approaching. As the team’s work on this is almost complete, we’ve got some preliminary visuals to share with you guys.

Welcome to the look and feel of the forge!

Forge will be available to all Blockchain Cuties Universe players for free. 100% of its functionality will be accessible to everyone at no charge. Forge’s premium features are not required for recycling, repairing or enchanting. By buying premium features, you will be able to increase your forge capacity and get an efficiency advantage. We will give more information on premium features in our future posts.

The forge will be located under “My Cuties” section like so:



Once in the forge, you will immediately see the number of tools and dust you currently have.


You will need dust and tools to add bonuses to your items. You will get the dust by recycling items and the tools will be available in-game.

Read more about tools here:

Item recycling

On the left, you will see a list of items from your inventory that you can turn into dust.


There will be filters and a search bar to help you navigate.

Once you choose an item to recycle the forge will tell you how long it will take and how much dust you can expect to get as a result.


More information on turning items to dust is here:

Item enchanting

Item enchanting will work similarly in terms of choosing an item to improve. You will have filters and a search bar to locate your item. Once you’ve made your pick, the forge will clearly show you what to expect.


You will see the tools and resources you will need as well as the probability of success. You will also see how your item will be improved as a result of enchantment.

Find more information on enchantment bonuses here:

The launch

The forge is already in the testing stage and we can’t wait to introduce this new mechanic for you to enjoy.

We hope you are excited for our biggest gameplay update this season.

Stay tuned for more sneak peeks and details on the forge as well as other updates!

Disclaimer: As we are still in the process of development, some things in the system can be subject to change. We will do our best to keep track and summarize all the changes for you here on medium.

Keep rocking, keep exploring and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

Click here to start playing!

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关键词: Blockchain
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