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Big Inventory Update Coming Soon


There are a lot of things happening behind the scenes, as we are preparing for the recycling update. And this week, one super delicious code package arrived at our testing department. It was the inventory update.

We are actively preparing the inventory space and the items market to host the new enchanted items. And the good news is that some of the coming awesomeness will become available very soon. Even before the recycling update itself.

A lot of work has been done on the database optimization so that everything works smoothly and efficiently. But what’s more exciting is that there are a lot of quality-of-life improvements on the way.

New filtering system

Our item filtering system will receive a big upgrade. There will be:

  • new style
  • new logic
  • better quality

We made sure that the inventory experience will become pleasant and efficient for you.

New tooltip

The new tooltip will contain a lot more information about the item than the current one does. Here’s a preliminary screenshot for you to check it out:


New Item’s page

The information page of the individual item will also become more informative and sport a fresh look and feel.

We are sure that you will love spending time in your new inventory. Especially when it will be time for major recycling action.

Stay tuned! We will keep you posted on this update.

Keep rocking, keep exploring and see ya on Blockchain Cuties!

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关键词: Blockchain
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