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[Daily News] Infinity Star's β test upcoming! Cutie population almost doubled!

β test for Infinity Star upcoming!
After several weeks of presale, Infinity Star announced to globally release its β test in September 25th.

Cutie population almost doubled since last month
Blockchain Cuties Universe announced a good news. Its Cutie population almost doubled since last month, with total Cuties reaching 200,000.

MCH to release 2D My Crypto Heroes S
My Crypto Heroes announced that it is going to release its sequel game My Crypto Heroes S. A video trailer exposed that My Crypto Heroes S will change its pixel style and upgrade into the 2D interface.

Mythereum started Super Brawls
Blockchain game Mythereum's September Event started, including new battle modes and tournament styles.

Get free ETH in Crypt-Oink's beginner event
Hot blockchain game Crypt-Oink hosted an event to welcome new players. Participate in missions or draw a lottery, you may get a chance to win free ETH!


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