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The Raid Introduction


Hello there!

Today, we are going to walk you through on the Raid which will be unveiled for the crypto community this Saturday, 8/10 00 AM UTC

From an ancient script, we became aware of the forbidden giant monsters, even the ancient heroes failed to conquer. According to the record, the ancient heroes successfully confined these monsters in the deep dark places, fully leveraging each of their weaknesses.

The house of mankind, a congressional body overseeing all human in the world of ‘Crypto Sword & Magic’, learned to believe that the world will continue to be threatened and never be peaceful as long as these colossal monsters are breathing in the dark. From this reckoning, the house decided to put a hefty bounty on these monsters to attract prepared heroes, and form a crusade. This iconic expedition is now being called — “The Raid”.

In order to ensure that only qualified warriors will join the quest, the house decided to issue medallions called, “mark of hero” for those who successfully conquested a difficult field in the world map. Not all of your tries will earn you a mark but when your strength and quality shine, you will come across these medals. This ‘Mark of hero’ indicates that the hero has the quality to join the crusade. The feat of taking part in the epochal battle will be remembered and glorified for the time to come.

So, now we want to cover some of the important facts about the Raid. Hang tight!

The First Raid: DEATHKAR ?️

On 8/10, the first Raid entry of ‘Crypto Sword & Magic’ will be held. The quest is to vanquish the mighty DEATHKAR and win the bounty of 200 EOS.



Epithet: “The unholy knight of the dark”


  • Likes cold and darkness, capable of harnessing the power of the land (?Earth element)
  • Afraid of flame which breaks the darkness (?Fire element)
  • Ancient heroes were able to lock up the monster by putting eternal fires around his archaic chamber of dark
  • Deathkar is a master of area attack, his attack pattern is known to sweep across from left to right or front to back, from the stance where Deathkar stands.




⚔️ If you acquired “Mark of hero”, you will automatically be queued to enter the raid room. Weekly entry cap of 20 applies to each hero.
⚔️ The remainders, if any, will be used for the next Raid entry.
⚔️ An entry order is set based on the Quantity of Mark > First-come First-served Basis > Hero ability



⚔️ The Raid battle will be conducted in an auto mode for an hour, users can observe the replay thereafter.
⚔️ During the raid, the Hero’s HP will be augmented based on the number of “Mark of Hero” possessed (# of Marks of Hero x HP).
⚔️ An avenger of 12 heroes will be admitted to the Raid room at a time, if one of them dies, the next hero in the queue will be admitted to replace


⚔️ The weekly raid reward pool will be distributed based on their contribution to the monsters.
⚔️ Contribution logic is calculated based on damage / recovery / damage received.

So far, we have covered some of the important facts about the raid.

If you still have a question, feel free to let us know in our social media channels.



Thank you!!

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