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The Sandbox allows VoxEdit-ors to export their creations to Minecraft

The Sandbox now allows you to bring your creations to the wide world of Minecraft

For those that are more commonly knowledgable of Enjin, you’ll know of its applications in the world of Minecraft. More specifically, its dedicated server which allows users to move their ERC1155 tokens from their wallet to the server.

The Sandbox is the latest title to come to the highly pixelated world, according to its team.

Through its VoxEdit solution, users will be able to take their creations and port them over to Minecraft.

One thing that makes it interesting is just how its able to move things of vast scale and impressive detail.

In order to capitalize on this, editors should download both the latest VoxEdit platform. Additionally, you should also get hold of Minecraft Forge and WorldEdit.

If you have a design you wanted to (or have) creat/ed, all you need to do is export and convert the file, make additional changes via TinkerCard. Finally, add it to Minecraft Forge.

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