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Dapper Labs announces $15,000 Cheeze Wizards’ hackathon to build the CheezyVerse

Following the success of the KittyVerse – a collection of dapps from third party developers that use CryptoKitty NFTs – Dapper Labs is trying something similar for its forthcoming blockchain battle royale game Cheeze Wizards.

Supported by the likes of CoinList, OpenSea, Alchemy, Sigma Prime, Aragon, DAOStack, Kyber, 0x, Augur, Hashed, and Appworks, it’s running an online hackathon to build what it’s calling the CheezyVerse.

It will run from 1 August to 1 September.

“As players are eliminated from the Cheeze Wizards’ tournaments, they’re going to be looking for interesting things to do with their wizards,” commented Dapper Labs’ CEO Roham Gharegoziou.

“Building for Cheeze Wizards is a rare opportunity to get a pre-qualified and already-engaged user base before you even start.”

Time to start thinking

The hackathon will give developers the opportunity to create experiences such as tools, new dapps and modes like tournaments and leagues by building on top of the Cheeze Wizards’ Ethereum smart contract.

Dapper Labs will also release all of the art and frontend components needed for these third party experiences under the NFT license, ensuring developers have full commercial rights to build on top of the Cheeze Wizards’ IP.

Winning projects – to judged by Dapper Labs and investor Fred Wilson (Twitter, Zynga, Kickstarter etc) – will share a prize pool of cash and NFTs worth over $15,000.

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