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CryptoMon - time to test the speed of fingers!

        The blockchain game introduced to you today is called CryptoMon. This is a multiplayer touchscreen game where players can shoot with bullets and capture cute little monsters.

        The number of times each little monster is fired will be accumulated. The more times, the higher the value of the monster when it is captured. If you capture a small monster that has been fired many times before, you will get all the value accumulated by this little monster.

        Captured monsters can be used to repo bullets, or to be traded through virtual tokens.

        If you have a lot of bullets, you may see rare monsters that are more valuable and harder to capture.

        Because it is a mobile game, players can enjoy the joy of this game anytime, anywhere, and use your flexible hands to get valuable benefits!

        In general, it is quite a good casual game~


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